Board Member Stefanie Mauler Featured in Simply Westlake


Making a Difference
Speaking Up For Foster Children In Tarrant County
Meet Board Member Stef Mauler

This article appeared in the March 2021 edition of Simply Westlake Magazine.

Westlake resident Stef Mauler has always been supportive of organizations that serve the health, education and well-being of children. She recently had the privilege of joining the Board of Directors for CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of Tarrant County and serves on the Board Governance committee. Simply Westlake asked Stef to tell them more about CASA and how dedicated volunteers advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children throughout Tarrant County.

Stef says, “CASA of Tarrant County is an organization of volunteer advocates who stand up on behalf of abused and neglected children. From helping siblings find permanent placement together, to finding a child a stable home with a relative, to uncovering information that helps reunite a loving family, CASA volunteers make incredible differences in the lives of abused and neglected children. These children in foster care are at risk of getting lost in an overburdened system. Their CASA works to find them a safe, permanent home. 95% of children in foster care who have a CASA volunteer find a permanent home - either reunification with their parents, living with relatives or adoption.”

Why did you choose to volunteer for CASA? “I have always been committed to organizations that serve the health, education and well-being of children and support the family unit. Strong families build strong communities. And with that, all kinds of good things happen. Education improves. Health improves. Safety improves. People get happier. Families get better. It’s a virtual cycle.

Child abuse is not a poor person’s problem. Tarrant County boasts some of the most affluent neighborhoods in the nation and, yet, we also have the 3rd highest rate of reported child abuse in the state of Texas. And that number continues to grow, and is exacerbated by the COVID pandemic. Approximately 650 children were removed from unsafe home environments in Tarrant County in 2020. For many of them, their CASA volunteer is the only consistent adult in that child’s life. Children who have a CASA volunteer spend an average of 4 fewer months in foster care and are more likely to succeed in school. Children who do not have a CASA experience far more problems throughout their lives: 50% are incarcerated by the time they are 23 years old and 25% experience homelessness. Right now, we have 500 children who are waiting for an advocate. I will do whatever I can to see that they get one so that we can provide healthy environments for these children to grow into productive adults and successful community members.”

Describe any fundraisers or events that support the organization: “Although a lot of non-profits have been forced to cancel crucial fundraising events due to COVID, CASA has been fortunate to keep our outdoor events which allow for social distancing. I’m excited for our 5th Annual Pull For Kids Clay Shoot ( on March 26 at Alpine Shooting Range. So, grab a team and take aim to end child abuse and keep children safe! Another favorite is the annual Superhero Run (, which is a family-friendly 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run on October 30, 2021 at Levitt Pavilion in Arlington.”

How can others get involved? “No matter how you choose to support CASA of Tarrant County, your generosity enables the organization to serve over 1,200 abused and neglected children in our community each year. If you are interested in becoming a CASA volunteer, start by attending a virtual information session, where you will learn all about becoming a CASA volunteer. Other ways to help include making monetary or in-kind donations through the CASA website ( or by hosting a Facebook fundraiser. Your gift of time or resources fights the loneliness these kids are feeling, giving them the comfort, normalcy, certainty and connection we all need right now.”

Meet CASA Volunteer Tracye Byars


What made you decide to become a CASA? I heard about CASA from a presentation at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon a few years back. When I heard of how they support children I decided that was something I would love to due once retired.

What is your professional/ volunteer background? I am a retired RN of 35 years. I spent most of my career working with mothers, infants and children in a variety of settings. I have volunteered with 6 Stones in Euless rehabbing homes, Mothers Milk Bank in Fort Worth, Cedar Creek Lake Area Chamber of Commerce and the Cedar Creek Lake Parrot Head Club.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about becoming a CASA? The best of advice is to ask lots of questions. There are so many layers to the system that asking questions or getting clarification will help with learning what a CASA can and cannot do.

What has been the most challenging part of being a CASA? The most challenging is having 3 children from the same family in three different foster homes. Communicating with everyone involved is sometimes difficult.

What has been the most rewarding part of being a CASA? The most rewarding is having the foster child actually call ME and want to talk and want to resolve an issue. I was not always able to remove their issue but was able to give them ideas about what they could do.

Please share a special moment with us about your advocacy work with your CASA kid or on your case. Two of the children may be placed in a home in another state. Watching the girls interact with their cousin on a ZOOM call was very refreshing. Helping them to build a relationship with their cousin is quite rewarding.

Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself or the CASA experience? The only thing I did not get to experience thus far is meeting with the children face to face. I believe that contact is crucial to developing long term relationships with others, especially CASA kids!

How have you been able to connect with your CASA kids during this time of quarantine? How are you advocating for them during this time? How has it impacted the children on your case? I connect with the children by keeping up constant contact with them. We also do FaceTime and Zoom when possible. I think the children would feel a little closer to their CASA if they could see them in person.

Honoring Black History in February…and Beyond


Honoring Black History in February…and Beyond

Written, Edited, and Researched by: CASA’s Antiracism Focus Group

Black History Month was established by Dr. Carter G. Woodson, a Black author and historian, as an avenue to honor and celebrate the achievements and legacies of Black Americans – contributions Dr. Woodson noted were largely missing from American history books and classrooms. Dr. Woodson dedicated his life to expanding the study and celebration of Black history. It is important to note, although February is designated as Black History Month, Dr. Woodson never viewed Black history as a month-long affair. Black history is American history, and Dr. Woodson professed Black history be taught and celebrated all year long.

In honor of Black History Month and Dr. Woodson’s legacy, we are sharing five concrete ways we can honor Black history this month and every day.

  1. Take time to educate yourself about Black leaders who, throughout history, have influenced your field of work. You can start by learning about these trailblazing Black women in child welfare and social work.

  2. Support Black-owned businesses. Here’s a list of some of the Black-owned businesses you can support in our local community!

  3. Celebrate Black voices by purchasing and reading books by Black storytellers, leaders, and historical figures. Consider purchasing books at locally Black-owned bookstores like The Dock Bookshop in Fort Worth.

  4. Talk with the children in your life about Black history. Here are some suggestions for having these conversations.

  5. Watch a film or documentary about Black history. Many popular streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime are specifically highlighting these films this month!

We encourage you to think about how you celebrate Black History Month and how you can be an active advocate all year long. How are you honoring and celebrating this month? We’d love to hear from you!

Meet CFE Coordinator Melanie Navarro

Melanie Navarro, CFE Coordinator

Melanie Navarro, CFE Coordinator

Why did you decide to come work for CASA?

Before coming to work for CASA, I was a social worker at a local behavioral health organization. In this role, I saw first-hand the impact that trauma can have on people’s lives and I realized that it was my calling to work with trauma survivors and their families. I was passionate about CASA’s mission to stand up for kids who have experienced abuse or neglect. When I saw a position open up, I jumped at the opportunity to join the CASA team!

What is your professional and educational background?

I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Southwestern University in Georgetown, TX, and a Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Texas at Austin. Throughout my social work career, I have worked in criminal justice, behavioral health, and child welfare settings. I am also a Registered Yoga Teacher with specialized training and certification in trauma-sensitive yoga.

What keeps you coming back every month in helping CASA?

In my role as Collaborative Family Engagement (CFE) Coordinator at CASA, I get to work with many families. I love seeing these families come together to support the kids in their lives. Nothing makes me happier than seeing the kids we work with reunified with their parents or placed with loving family members.

What has been the most rewarding part of being on staff at CASA?

 I love seeing our CASA volunteers embrace the CFE model. We have volunteers who spend countless hours searching for family members, making cold calls to possible relatives, and really working to build a lifetime network of support around the kids on their cases. It’s all about building connections!

Please share a special moment with us about your work with CASA volunteers or supporters.

I worked with one CASA volunteer who was a huge advocate for the mother on her case. We often think about kids needing advocates, but we sometimes forget that adults need support and connection too! This advocate was always checking in with the mother on her case and helping to ensure she had access to helpful resources. I have no doubt that this supportive relationship was one of the reasons these kids were able to successfully reunite with their mother.

What would you say to a potential supporter?

If you are looking for a place to give of your time or money, CASA is a wonderful option! Our volunteers are so dedicated to the work that they do. We work with some amazing children and families and your support could make a big difference in their lives.

Why do you think it’s important for your local community to support CASA and what they do?

CASA plays a huge role in our community. Every child needs an advocate and CASA is here to provide just that.

Do you want to share some encouraging words to our volunteers?

Thank you for all that you do to support the children on your cases! These cases may have ups and downs, but I know that you truly make a difference in the lives of the kids and families that you are advocating for!

Meet CASA Volunteer Jennifer Roy


What made you decide to become a CASA? We have very close friends who have been foster parents for many years. Our friends had a unique sibling group with some internal abuse between siblings. It was the CASA on the case that was able to advocate for the child to ensure their safety. That CASA truly changed the life of a child and seeing it first hand inspired me to be there for another child.

What is your professional/ volunteer background? I am a travel agent and also manage our rental portfolio. I have been a CASA for the past five years and was a counselor at a pregnancy aid center prior to being a CASA.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about becoming a CASA? Being a CASA is an honor. Commit yourself knowing your support and advocacy is important. It will not always be easy, but advocating and being a voice for children that desperately need you is an invaluable experience and offers many rewards.

What has been the most challenging part of being a CASA? The challenge has been a different with each case, but I would have to say my biggest challenge is documenting visits and writing court reports. The lack of face to face interaction due to Covid-19 restrictions being a close second.

What has been the most rewarding part of being a CASA? The most rewarding part of being a CASA is seeing happy children and watching their parent(s) want to learn what they need to to be the best parent(s) for their children. Not just going through the checklist, but truly having a desire to learn and grow to be a better person for their children.

Please share a special moment with us about your advocacy work with your CASA kid or on your case
I had a case where siblings were separated by many miles for a period of time, so we met in the middle for a sibling visit. When I arrived one of them saw me on the parking lot and he ran so hard and fast, leaping into my arms. I realized right then that I was the “rock” for him as I was the only person who had been on the case from the beginning. That case lasted 3 years, but I was determined to never give up on being there for them.

Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself or the CASA experience?
Being a CASA has opened my eyes in so many ways and has been a huge growing experience for me. I am so thankful I made the decision years ago to be a voice for the voiceless.

How have you been able to connect with your CASA kids during this time of quarantine? How are you advocating for them during this time? How has it impacted the children on your case?
Since my current CASA kids are very young it has been difficult, but we FaceTime and also send video clips back and forth. In advocating for my CASA kids, I am walking beside a mother who never had a role model growing up and is learning how to take care and parent two children all by herself. I know if mom is supported well, she will be the mom her children need and deserve. I believe the quarantine has impeded my case to a degree as I believe face to face support would benefit mom and children. The human connection can not be replaced with screens, but hopefully soon that will change and we can make up for the many months of not being able to.

CAS Teri Reed says, “I feel Jennifer is deserving of the advocate spotlight because she has gone above and beyond in meeting the needs of the mother and children on her case. On Christmas day, they were out of food and Mom was out of hope. Jennifer had groceries delivered and spent hours on the phone encouraging Mom not to give up. I believe the children would have been re-removed without Jennifer's support and encouragement.”

Meet Board Member Kristy Odom


Why CASA? I’m honored to serve an organization that plays such an important role in the welfare of our community's children in critical times of need. Everything CASA staff members and volunteers do contributes to and considers the healthiest and safest outcome for the children and families we serve.

What first caused you to get involved with CASA? My awareness of the important role CASA’s advocates play in providing a voice for abused and neglected children in our community brought me to serve this great agency. There is much not witnesses and/or communicated on behalf of a child during a litigious process. The passion and commitment this agency and its volunteers exhibit is unparalleled.

What keeps you coming back every month in helping CASA? I come back every month to help CASA achieve its mission of advocating for abused and neglected children, ultimately achieving their vision of providing a CASA-trained volunteer to every child in need.

What would you say to a potential supporter? If you have a heart-felt interest in improving a child’s access to a bright and safe future, there is not better organization to support than CASA of Tarrant County. The impact of our trained volunteers positively changes the trajectory of every child served, giving them a voice throughout the process of securing their health and safety.

Why do you think it’s important for your local community to support CASA and what they do? Without CASA and its trained volunteers/advocates, too much would go unsaid, un-realized, and without the perspective of the child(ren) experiencing abuse and neglect, potentially leading to misguided resolution and continued harm to the child.

Do you want to share some encouraging words to our volunteers? The dedicated action of CASA volunteers to show up, speak up, and serve the families and children of our community directly reflects with the love in their hearts. They full-heartedly share their time, talent and treasure. It’s a privilege to serve alongside with and support these great women and men.

National Mentoring Month - CASA Volunteer Cathryn Kachura

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In honor of National Mentoring Month, volunteer and Rookie of the Year Cathryn Kachura wrote this contributing blog post.

When I started with CASA, I volunteered out of anger. Such a negative emotion sounds like a weird motivation for a compassionate endeavor, but I personally knew of a child who was in state care due to abuse and neglect; I felt powerless. I literally Googled “how to help a kid in foster care” and was flooded with different chapters of CASA and stories on the good the volunteers have done—I have been on the ride of my life ever since.

From the very beginning, I knew I wanted to accept a case with an older child. I was adopted when I was just shy of 15, and in my own personal experience, it took someone very special to love me through my challenges and to teach me how to heal through trauma. I chose my case specifically because it felt to me the child had fallen through the cracks of the system. They’re an older teenager, they’ve been moved around through several placements, and permanent conservatorship by the state had already been solidified; it seemed they were destined to age out of the system with no one consistent to make sure they graduated high school with a plan to build a better future for themselves. I wanted more than anything for an opportunity to be that consistent person, to hopefully make a difference in reducing the chances of cyclical trauma. But in times before COVID, we were allowed to bond through hugs and face-to-face conversations with real eye contact; I’ve instead had to rely on emojis, care packages, inside jokes, and even some gentle mutual roasting.

The entire CASA training structure set me up for success, but the most useful tool I was given is Trust-Based Relational Intervention training. I’ve used the emotional affirmation techniques to validate my child’s experiences—negative and positive—building a strong bond of trust, and in turn, they’ve grown to communicate with vital transparency. They’ve allowed me to advocate for them and they’ve taken direction in learning to advocate for themselves.

I was honored to receive recognition as CASA Rookie Advocate of the Year. I wasn’t expecting it at all, I honestly didn’t even know the awards ceremony was a thing, and I didn’t think the warmth in my heart could get any more comforting. Then the child for whom I advocate added, “Duh, Cat, you deserve it.” Y’all, I ugly cried.

I’ve learned a lot since I joined CASA as a volunteer, but I never would’ve guessed the biggest lesson: it’s 100% possible to fall in love with a child you’ve never met.

Meet CASA Volunteer Pam Reece

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What made you decide to become a CASA? Being an educator my entire career, kids are my heart. When you hear that there is a need in your community, and that need involves the well-being of kids, you do whatever you can to help.

What is your professional/ volunteer background? After 30 years in public education, I retired, completed my doctorate, and am currently an adjunct faculty member at Dallas Baptist University, along with doing some educational consulting and teaching remote English II for Keller ISD. I was a CASA previously in Parker County, where I eventually served 3 years on the Board of Directors before moving to Tarrant County.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about becoming a CASA? Always have an open heart and an open notebook. The open heart will help you know what is best for the children in your cases, and the open notebook will keep you organized when you are talking with all the people in the children’s lives.

What has been the most challenging part of being a CASA? When I was sworn in, the pandemic was just beginning and everything had to be virtual. I thought that would be challenging because I knew what it was like to have those in person relationships. However, it has been the opposite. I feel like I am closer to my kids because, even though I can’t hug them, I see them more often and our virtual interactions can be deep, fun, silly, or spontaneous. One of my kids called to thank me for sending him and his brother Thanksgiving cards. I told him that we needed to FaceTime soon. As soon as I said it, he had already hit the FaceTime button and he was taking me around his house showing me the Christmas trees they had just put up! And yes, I said “trees”. There were seven in all!

What has been the most rewarding part of being a CASA? Knowing that what we are all doing for these kids is making a difference in their lives. Our goal is to advocate for them and help their lives to be richer and more fulfilled, but that is exactly what they do for us without even trying.

Please share a special moment with us about your advocacy work with your CASA kid or on your case? I have two cases right now with six kids total, so there are so many special moments. The most recent one just happened 5 minutes ago. My oldest kid called and said, “Did you hear?!” (She had just found out that a foster family had been found for her.) We practically cried and laughed together about it, because we were both so excited.  When I realized that she was supposed to be in school, I asked her how she was calling me. “I couldn’t wait to tell you, so the school counselor let me call.” Yes, it’s those moments…

Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself or the CASA experience? I also appreciate the support we have at CASA of Tarrant County. If I need anything or have a question, I know that my supervisor, Jennifer Parker, will lead me in the right direction. It’s knowing there is always someone you can go to for support or advice that makes all the difference.

How have you been able to connect with your CASA kids during this time of quarantine? How are you advocating for them during this time? How has it impacted the children on your case? During this crazy pandemic, my kids and I use Zoom, FaceTime, or Google Duo. I always ask the foster families what works best for them. Each of the foster parents are great about finding time for me to visit virtually with the kids. Many times, they get on the Zoom before I visit with the kids. It really helps us to touch base on how the kids are doing and if there are any issues that I need to know about. It’s also a time for me to share with them the conversations I’ve had with teachers, counselors, speech therapists, etc. Everyone is working together in the best interests of the kids at all times. Now, we just have to do it virtually.

Meet Board Member Andrew Norman


Why CASA? My wife introduced me to CASA through her relationship with the Theta fraternity and her efforts in leading the Fall Breakaway at TCU. I was introduced to their mission and extremely impressed with the dedication of its volunteers and their commitment to helping the most vulnerable members of our society. 

What first caused you to get involved with CASA? My law partner asked me to assist in planning committee for the First Annual Pull For Kids clay shoot. I was honored to be asked and ended up learning a ton about the organization as well as be a part of getting a special event off the ground to support a cause I truly believe in. 

What would you say to a potential supporter? I would say that there is no more honorable organization you could support. Unfortunately our county’s children do not have the resources to advocate for themselves, and our dedicated volunteers and amazing staff do an incredible job of stewarding your sponsorship to ensure that the children are the ones who truly benefit. 

Why do you think it’s important for your local community to support CASA and what they do? The dark reality is that not every child goes home to two loving parents and a stable home. The support from the local community assists in advancing the mission of CASA to assist in advocating for the best interests of the child. As those children’s best interests are met, society as a whole benefits. Additionally, the men and women volunteering as CASA advocates are shining examples of the good that can come from local community support, it is truly an investment in the community for the community. 

Do you want to share some encouraging words to our volunteers? I appreciate everything you are doing and your commitment to advocating for children. These are uncertain times, and your dedication and efforts to assist are incredibly inspirational. Thank you.

What “Yes” Can You Give to Others in 2021? 

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Written by CASA of Tarrant County Community Engagement Specialist Lauren Pavlasek

What a crazy year 2020 was! I am sure most of us are hoping for more opportunities in the new year. We are hoping for positive changes and some sort of consistency after what felt like the most chaotic year ever.  

It is no secret that this past year came with hardships for many of us - some lost jobs, others lost their lives.  Events were canceled, trips were postponed, and we spent a lot of time waiting and hoping for things to look up while also wishing that everything would slow down.

We had to learn how to roll with the punches and live our lives in flux - constantly adapting to change. For children in foster care in Tarrant County, this is their normal, regardless of the year.

With the new year comes new resolutions and a time to reflect on the past and prepare for the future. What would it look like for you to give more of yourself to the betterment of your community this year? What would it look like for you to advocate for the vulnerable population around you? It feels like a task too great for one person, but change starts with one. It takes a group of people joining together with one small “yes” to make a big change in our community.  

CASA volunteers act as a consistent adult presence in a child’s life while they go through the foster care system. They help re-establish healthy family connections and advocate for the best interest of the child/children on their case. As a CASA volunteer, you have the opportunity to speak up for a child in your community to ensure their voice is heard. A CASA volunteer collaborates with the child and their family to make sure that the child’s physical & emotional needs are being met in a trauma-informed approach.

The first “yes” to caring for your community is to learn more about the child welfare system and volunteering with CASA by attending a one-hour information session. During this session, you will learn about the need for CASA volunteers in our community, the positive change that CASA volunteers are making, and finally, how to become one. This is a wonderful chance to ask questions, learn, and listen.  

If you would like to move forward and become a CASA volunteer after attending this session, you will apply online and attend a short interview with a CASA staff member. All of our CASA volunteers then go through training to ensure they are able to care for the children & their families involved with a trauma-informed approach. During training you will learn about foster care, how to care for children who have been through trauma, and what it looks like to advocate for a child in foster care in Tarrant County. After training, you will be sworn in by a Tarrant County judge and begin your journey of advocacy.  

CASA volunteers are of, and for, the communities that we serve. May the coming year bring more resolutions to safeguard the well-being of others. Together, let us shift our gaze this year. May we focus more on what we can do for others who need their voice to be heard. Change can take place when we all come together with one small “yes”. What “yes” can you give to others in 2021? 

Destiny Studio Supports CASA Through Benefit Concert and Free Music Lessons


Destiny Studio's second annual benefit concert for CASA of Tarrant County "No Place Like Home" took place Friday, December 4th at Creekwood Church.

It was a night of Christmas fun featuring dynamic musical performances from Destiny Studio staff and students, a special presentation from CASA, and a safe + socially distant Santa experience!

We are so grateful to Destiny Studio, who raised over $5,000 for CASA of Tarrant County!

A parent of performer said: “…Let’s just talk about CASA! I have been wanting to get involved FOR YEARS. But I come up with every excuse in the book why I am not enough. I wouldn’t be qualified for something so significant and important! Then last husband looked at me and said, “how do we get involved? Let’s do this.”

Destiny Studio, located in Mansfield, also provides ongoing voice and music lessons to the children in foster care that CASA serves. Studio owner Sarah Darby said, “CASA lessons have been impactful in so many ways. One of our instructors Ruben Melendez said that while teaching one of his CASA students said, "You’re the first person that’s ever complimented my voice” and another CASA student mentioned to Shelby (studio manager and instructor), “This place literally feels and smells like sunshine - I’m so happy to be here”.

Destiny Studio’s core values are:

  • Everyone has a purpose and everyone is here for a purpose

  • Because people matter the God, they matter to me.

  • We sponsor moments that matter for a lifetime.

Sarah goes on to say, “With our core values, and what we believe for and about people, it just makes sense to partner with CASA in this way. We are so grateful for this opportunity and cannot wait to see what comes of it.”

Meet CASA Volunteer Lynda Wilkins


What made you decide to become a CASA? I moved to the DFW area in late February of this year, my kids are grown and I was looking for a way to contribute to the community. When I was a young child, my parents had several foster children and I have always been interested in fostering but not able to make that level of commitment, so this seemed like a good alternative.

What is your professional/ volunteer background?  I am a Project Manager in the IT field, providing services for the federal govt.  I have done a lot of volunteering at animal shelters and have led some youth groups through church.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about becoming a CASA?  Ensure that you have dedicated time in your schedule for the required activities and enjoy meeting some really great people!

What has been the most challenging part of being a CASA?  The current COVID situation has been a challenge, as we are unable to connect in person.

What has been the most rewarding part of being a CASA?  Seeing how many different people and organizations are working to ensure the safety and well-being of the kids.

Please share a special moment with us about your advocacy work with your CASA kid or on your case?  About a month ago, the collaborative team of caseworkers and advocates was able to meet with the biological parent and set up a plan for permanently getting my CASA back in the home, which was a really good feeling since the foster has been in other treatment facilities or foster homes for several years and very much wants to return home.

Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself or the CASA experience?  I am just very thankful that organizations such as this, with such dedicated staff and volunteers are able to make an impact and help in some way to make the kids lives better during such difficult times. 

How have you been able to connect with your CASA kids during this time of quarantine? How are you advocating for them during this time? How has it impacted the children on your case?  As my CASA is a bit older, we speak regularly on the phone.  I am regularly in contact with his foster parent and caseworker, via phone and email, as well speaking with the biological parent via phone.  I have been trying to help ensure that my child has all the resources he needs for virtual schooling, such as getting a loaner laptop for him to use so that he had a dedicated computer to attend classes and do homework.  The COVID situation has definitely been a challenge for the child, as it has limited his ability to socialize with peers and has impacted his family visits on a few occasions as well. 

Child Advocacy Specialist, Chelsey Statham said, “Lynda became an advocate in June and has not missed a beat. She was assigned an almost 2 year old case with a teen boy and has been able to maintain regular (almost weekly) contact with him in the midst of not being able to meet face to face. He spent about a week in a psychiatric hospital and she called to check in with him daily. Lynda has also developed a relationship with his mom and is working alongside the caseworker to set her up for success. The part I’ve been most impressed with is that this child is struggling with his sexual identity and she went out on her own and found a book for him. She got it approved by mom, worker, ad litem, and foster father, to send to the child to help him through his feelings. She goes above and beyond the minimum expectations!”

Meet Board Member Giana Ortiz


Why CASA? Many foster children in Tarrant County will transition from foster home to foster home, and from school district to school district; spending only a few days or a few weeks with a support system before they are forced to integrate into a new one.  For these children, the CASA volunteer may be the only adult who, throughout the transitions and disruptions in their lives, remains constant.  Every child deserves to have an adult who knows where they are and speaks up for their needs.  CASA provides that caring volunteer advocate to children who may have none.

What first caused you to get involved with CASA? Learning more about the struggles of foster children made it easy to understand the important role of CASA’s volunteer advocates. In addition, CASA’s staff exemplifies dedication to CASA’s mission and service. I wish that there were no child removals, and that every kid in Tarrant County had a safe home to live in. But when a child is removed from an unsafe environment, the CASA volunteer serves as an essential part of the process for that child.

What keeps you coming back every month in helping CASA? I believe in CASA’s mission and the tireless work of its staff.

Do you want to share some encouraging words to our volunteers? Thank you for your work. Without your generous gift of time, CASA could not accomplish its mission for Tarrant County foster children.

CASA Volunteer/Book Fairy Gets Creative With Virtual Visits

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We have all been challenged to adapt and get a little more creative in 2020. This is especially true for CASA volunteer Carol Birdwell, who has created fun virtual visits with the children she serves.

The children on her case get books and special treats delivered to their door from the “book fairy”. As a former teacher, Carol helped to encourage the girls to read over the summer by grabbing their interest in a book series. The book fairy leaves the books on the front-door step, with treats, and other evidence of the visit behind (like fairy dust). The Book Fairy said it's gotten trickier to leave the items on the step before the girls get clued in by the family dog, often forcing the book fairy to run away from the girls encouraging them to social distance (and to get a good laugh).

On her second case, Carol advocates for a teenage boy. She leaves pizzas and home baked cookies as enticement for a copy of a report card or progress report. Despite social distancing, Carol has built a connection and trusting relationship with this boy, when he would not (and does not) trust anyone.

Thank you for your creativity in your advocacy, Carol!

National Philanthropy Day: Kappa Alpha Theta

In honor of National Philanthropy Day, CASA of Tarrant County invited TCU Kappa Alpha Theta’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief External Affairs Officer to contribute a blog post about what CASA means to them!

Written by Erin Buckley and Blake Vilven


To Kappa Alpha Theta, CASA means service without seeking reward. Theta has the opportunity of putting on two philanthropy events throughout the year. I had the privilege of planning our spring event, CASA Cook-off! Essentially, this event is a cook-off battle between fraternities to see who can cook the best burger. I had an absolute blast planning and executing this event, but what made it even better is that I knew the positive impact this event would have on children all throughout Tarrant County. Additionally, we have our Theta 5K supporting CASA coming up this fall! Between these two events, Theta has raised over $80,000 for CASA in the past year.

By sponsoring CASA advocates, we get to love on these kiddos the best that we can without looking for any reward. It is service without praise and is there no better feeling than a sacrificial love like this. I may be biased, but I wouldn’t want our money to go anywhere else. To Kappa Alpha Theta, CASA of Tarrant County means service without seeking reward.

—Blake Vilven, 2020 Chief Executive Officer
Kappa Alpha Theta
Texas Christian University


CASA of Tarrant County to me means having the chance to be involved with something bigger than just our sorority or experience at Texas Christian University (TCU). It means being able to help raise money and provide resources to support kids with the chance to have someone care for them unconditionally and help them to create a better life and future for themselves.

Being able to intern with CASA and partner with them in our philanthropy event this year, I have learned more about the countless ways CASA impacts foster children and how they provide hope to kids who’ve felt hopeless. I have seen firsthand how much hard-work and dedication goes into working at CASA of Tarrant County, and am inspired by their passion every day.  I love seeing our chapter of girls come together to support CASA in any way they can. Numerous times I see the selflessness and ability to go above and beyond what is expected of each of us, simply because we care deeply about CASA, their mission, and the kids they serve.

I’ve seen multiple members of our chapter so incredibly inspired that after college and their sorority days, they become CASA advocates themselves. The impact CASA has made to each and every girl is priceless. I am proud to see that CASA means more to us than just raising money, it has changed all of our hearts, going beyond our college experience. It has made me realize how lucky we are to have a philanthropy that is so special and makes such a huge impact on children – those that need it the most.

 —Erin Buckley, 2020 Chief External Affairs Officer
Kappa Alpha Theta
Texas Christian University

Meet CASA Volunteers Brenda Brooks and Hank Williams

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Brenda Brooks

What made you decide to become a CASA?
I first heard about CASA while serving on the allocation committee for a United Way organization.   I was so impressed by the work that the CASA organization was doing.  I decided that once I retired, I would become a CASA volunteer.

What is your professional/volunteer background?
Prior to retirement, I was the Director of Corporate Communication for a multi-national company based in the U.K.  Prior to that, I was the Director of Community Affairs for URENCO USA.  I have served on a number of boards including Big Brothers/Big Sisters of SE New Mexico; United Way of Lea County; The College of the Southwest and the Office of African-American Affairs for the State of New Mexico. 

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about becoming a CASA?
JUST DO IT!  It is such a rewarding experience.

What has been the most challenging part of being a CASA?
Going to court and seeing those piles of folders stacked on the judge’s desk and knowing that each folder represents a child in foster care.

What has been the most rewarding part of being a CASA?
Knowing you are making a difference in the life of a child. 

Please share a special moment with us about your advocacy work with your CASA kid or on your case?
The day my CASA child trusted me enough to want to share his feelings with me.

Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself or the CASA experience?
All it takes to be a great CASA volunteer is a few hours per month, and a desire to advocate for what that child needs.

How have you been able to connect with your CASA kids during this time of quarantine? How are you advocating for them during this time? How has it impacted the children on your case?
I conduct Zoom calls with my CASA Child.  I maintain contact with the other parties through email/text/phone calls.  His court hearing was also conducted via Zoom.  Unfortunately, my CASA Child did contract COVID-19 as well as his foster parent. 

CAS Tracy Williams said, “Brenda Brooks is deserving of this honor because she gives every ounce of herself when interacting with her CASA child. This child does not have to wonder if Brenda will be there because he knows she always will. She never forgets his birthday or his accomplishments and she makes sure that anyone involved in his life knows how important he is to her. Brenda is an amazing Advocate and I can’t imagine her not being in this child’s life let alone mine.”

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Hank Williams

What made you decide to become a CASA?
I wanted to give back after I retired, and my wife's coworker was a Dallas CASA. She told my wife that I would make a good CASA, so I looked into it and the rest is history.

What is your professional/ volunteer background?
I spent 30 years as an Aerospace Engineer at Bell Helicopter in Ft. Worth. I have volunteered all my life. I was President of Texas Alliance for Engineers (Promoted STEM to school age kids before it was hip), former Hurst Parks and Recreation Board member, Big Brother Big Sisters and several other volunteer activities.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about becoming a CASA?
If you have a heart for our most vulnerable kids, please sign up because you will get more out of it than you give the kids.

What has been the most challenging part of being a CASA?

What has been the most rewarding part of being a CASA?
We almost had my kid placed with his Aunt and sister. To see his face light up was priceless, but unfortunately it did not work out.

Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself or the CASA experience?
I really enjoy it so far and I am glad I chose to commit to this cause.

How have you been able to connect with your CASA kids during this time of quarantine? How are you advocating for them during this time? How has it impacted the children on your case?
We have connected by phone or Zoom. It has been hard because I have never personally met my kid, so that has been tough. I have not met the foster parents, teachers and so on.

CAS Zed Blackshire said, “Hank is always trying to find a way to impact a child's life and is not intimidated by challenges that may arise. He searches and seeks solutions and he advocates and expresses what is needed in the best interest of the child.”

Meet Board Member Charlotte Kauffman


Why CASA? Because children are the future and too many children in our community/our world are neglected and abused and if CASA can help even just one child - that’s tremendous.

What first caused you to get involved with CASA? My sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, has as it’s philanthropy CASA so I have known about it for years. Several of my friends were on the CASA board who are Theta’s and it was a cause I have had in my heart for years so I said yes to being on the board.

What keeps you coming back every month in helping CASA? My life has been full of blessings, I grew up in a wonderful home with wonderful parents and every month in our board meetings I am astounded at the number of children in our community that don’t have that safe, loving and secure home to grow up in like I did. 

What would you say to a potential supporter? The children are our future and it is up to all of us to help the children we live with in our community that are abused and neglected – CASA is the kind of non-profit that allows for so many ways to help these children. Through volunteering to be an Advocate, be a board member, donate money so that we have the staff to support our Advocates. The list goes on and on.

What do you think it’s important for your local community to support CASA and what they do? If we don't, who will? No child should have to endure pain, suffering, neglect and Tarrant county has over 500 children that need someone to be their voice, to look after them when no one else can or will, so it is up to us as the adults to advocate for those children.

Do you want to share some encouraging words to our volunteers? Right now everyone is clapping for our healthcare workers and their support system, our delivery people, grocery store workers and everyone working to keep our citizens healthy and supported. BUT you our Advocates need a big hand of applause for being there for the children who so desperately need someone just for them and that’s you! Our heroes during this scary uncertain time! Thank you all.

Heroes in The Making

Heroes in The Making

Written by Child Advocacy Specialist Zed Blackshire


Every Hero has an origin story.  Whether it is Spiderman, Superman, Batman or your favorite athlete, tv star, teachers, local workers and even your friendly neighborhood CASA worker.  What creates and builds a hero is their life’s Journey.  The Journey to becoming a hero starts as soon as a child opens their eyes.  Every situation and every new thing that they learn is the blueprint for the hero that they will become. The people they interact with and the community that they involve themselves with all plays a part in how a hero finds their voice.   But all that starts with a key piece that is always essential to anyone’s growth, and our heroes at CASA work hard everyday to ensure that children in care have that essential piece.

Family has always been important to the growth and safety of a child.  When one thinks of family, one usually envisions the typical two parent home, maybe a dog, and it extends to others like grandparents, aunts, and uncles.  Now CASA volunteers, their Specialists, and others who are heavily involved with the child welfare system know that families have no limits to how they could look.  The quote “it takes a village” holds true to raising a child.  In our case, that village involves not only parents, but foster parents, fictive kin, adoptive families, caseworkers, CASA volunteers, and more.  I like to think of our kids in foster care as heroes.  They go through many trials and tribulations, and many of them overcome barriers and challenges in their lives with the help of the village.  Ironically, many of your favorite fictional superheroes have a not so traditional family and many of them have similar stories to our children in care. 

At CASA we can’t stress enough the importance of connecting and finding families for children in care.  Sometimes when parents aren’t able to care for children or are unavailable, family steps in and raises them as if they were their own.  For instance, a young kid is often left in care of his aunt and uncle due to his parents being away.   Eventually his parents are no longer around and can’t be found.  He is raised by his aunt and uncle who love him and instill values and knowledge into him.  He was able to live a normal life, thanks to the sacrifices his family made.  It is also thanks to his uncle’s greatest advice that when his life met an unexpected change, he became one of our greatest and most relatable heroes. 

“With great power, comes great responsibility.” Peter Parker became the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man not only because of a random radioactive spider bite, but because of the morals instilled in him from his loved ones.  How about a kid who unfortunately loses his mother and father is in prison?  Luckily, a friend of the family agreed to be this child’s guardian, treating him as one of his own.  This kid gave his guardian trouble at first, often disrupting the household, but he learned to trust him because his guardian never gave up on him becoming a father figure.  This kid grew up to be a forensic scientist in the same place as his guardian, where the accident turned him into the fastest man alive.  CW’s version of the Flash benefited from having a family that looked after him when he lost his family to tragedy.  He often longs for close bonds as well as other father figures and he takes it seriously when it comes to protecting them.  How many our kids can identify with wanting a father figure, or protecting the love ones that they do have, in fear of losing someone else?  The great news for some of our kids is that family members and fictive kin often become a hero to our kids, raising them and providing safety. 

Some of our kids unfortunately lack family in the position to step up to the plate, but sometimes others commit fully to raising that child.  A baby was born, and immediately was abandoned by their parents.  Let’s say a stranger or foster parent couple takes responsibility for this child and essentially treats them or adopts them as their own?  They try to shelter and protect this child, teaching them the way of life and instilling morals and value in this child as he grows into a teen.  As a teen, they start to realize that they are different, and that maybe they don’t belong, which could steer someone many ways.  His adoptive dad died, which is who he learned most from, while his biological family he never met.  He is clueless about his roots and culture.  Well this teen took to heart what his adoptive parents taught him, set his own roots in the things he grew up with and became one of the most powerful and famous superheroes of all time.  Yes Clark Kent, otherwise known as Superman, also needed the guidance of his nontraditional family in order to grow.   He too felt disconnected, but with the help of his family, and his now adoptive planet earth, he used that as a coping mechanism to grow and become something Great.  

Our Hero’s in comics being an orphan is a bit cliché, but many of them have different journeys and beliefs depending on how they were raised.  Bruce Wayne lost his parents to violence, and we see how he turned out.  His personality is quite the opposite of Superman because he knew his parents and lost them.  Bruce was mostly raised by his butler Alfred, which in some iterations, social services disagreed on allowing fictive kin to raise him.  Many of our kids lose their parents for many reasons, and that trauma follows them as they age.  Everything Bruce did was motivated by what happened to his family and as Batman he vowed to preserve justice his way.  Even if he never admits it, it also fueled his desire to create his own family.  He ends up taking in people like Dick Grayson or Tim Drake, who would become his sidekicks Robin and Red Robin.  Dick Grayson also lost his family members right before his eyes and Bruce Wayne adopts him and raise him as his own, even if they disagree sometimes.  When family can’t be around, and others step up to the plate. Adoptive parents are heroes in their own right, giving hope and family to children who may have lost theirs.   Our adoptive parents have their own origin stories as well.

Here we have another kid who loses his family at a young age.  This kid becomes cold and cruel to most people around him, having a non-trusting attitude towards everyone.  He becomes selfish and is moved from foster home to foster home due to behavior problems.  He was eventually placed in a home of a married couple who were foster children themselves as well as five other children.  He again refused to connect with them until one day he defended them from bullies.  Slowly but surely, he began to cherish his foster siblings.  After getting in major trouble and expecting to be sent away, he was shocked to find out that his foster parents were not going to give up on him.  The bonds Billy Batson created in his foster home would motivate him to save his siblings once again as the hero Shazam, as he shared some of his power with them to defeat their enemies as the Shazam Family. 

Or how about teens and children who are different and discriminated against due to their differences?  Some of them ran away from their homes and became delinquent, some were kicked out of their home, and some just don’t have a place to go.  Everyday they live in a world where the system doesn’t understand them, and many policies negatively affect them.  One man decides to use his property as a home, welcoming them in and accepting them for who they are.  He teaches them how to accept their differences and use them for good.  He attempts to address their mental and physical health and sees to their education.  They become his family and together, Charles Xavier and his family intervene in situations, often saving others as the X-Men. 

Sometimes, it takes an outside party or person to see and foster a child’s potential.  While not ideal, we see this in residential treatment centers and group centers.  We also see this in Professional Home-Based Care placements and foster homes who are committed to caring for children for prolonged periods.  By not giving up on a child, it often results in them not giving up on themselves.

Every child in care has an origin story, whether it’s a child raised by their fictive kin, a child who returned home to one or both parents, or children who are adopted or live in foster care or a residential treatment.  These children have the potential to become future heroes, with assistance from family, OCOK workers, a CASA volunteer, foster parents, and many more.  Every great hero had someone that believed in them and someone who helped them navigate life to help them understand the person that they are and the person they could become.  That’s why it’s important that we try to collaboratively engage with families when possible, and support those who take the responsibility of caring for our future heroes.  Remember, with great power, comes great responsibility.  But we have the responsibility to help our kids find their great power!

Your Friendly Neighborhood CASA-Man
Zed Blackshire

Witnessing Domestic Violence and the Impact on Children, By Board Member Nichole Masters-Henry

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Sounds and smells can sometimes take you back to a single memory - sometimes to a loving and wonderful place, other times scary and traumatic.

As I shopped at my neighborhood grocery one day, I bopped down aisles enjoying the 90’s tunes that floated through the store’s sound system. Then that song played. It made me pause as I transported back to my 8th grade summer camp. I could vividly see the faces of my camp besties; hear the camp counselors trying to corral groups of rowdy thirteen-year olds to move to their next activity. I could smell the stench of chlorine from the pool fighting, and the various aromas from the Great Hall.  Memories of carefree fun flooded over me - faces that were long forgotten and moments that were hidden under years of living.

Just as the whiff of a familiar perfume can remind you of that favorite auntie that always had a special treat for you in her purse, or the quiet chorus of Silent Night overwhelms you with memories from a favorite Christmas; certain sounds, scents, and events can trigger powerful memories of traumatic experiences from your childhood.  Although we think we’ve forgotten those memories that once were part of who we were, the truth is, whether good or bad, those events are still with us - impacting who we are and how we function as adults.

Witnessing abuse in childhood can have a lasting impact on children. Children are often the hidden, silent victims of intimate partner violence (IPV). These children that witness IPV are more likely to experience neglect, emotional abuse, and physical abuse themselves. According to The Journal of Injury and Violence, they reported children who experience the trauma of witnessing domestic violence exhibit higher rates of cognitive, psychological, and emotional challenges. Witnessing violence impacted these children short-term by being affected with: anxiety, increased aggression, sleeplessness, nightmares, poor performance in school, low self-esteem, and trouble making friends. Similarly, long-term impacts that carry into adulthood include: increased risk for depression, anxiety, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, low self-esteem, PTSD, and other problems.

Perhaps the most significant result of witnessing abuse is the increase risk of continuing the cycle of abuse into their own relationships. According to a study conducted by UNICEF, growing up in a home where there is domestic violence is the single best predicator of whether a child will become either a perpetrator or a victim of domestic violence later in life.  Hard evidence establishes that boys who witness abuse in the home are ten times more likely to abuse their female partners as an adult. Oppositely, girls are more than six times likely to be sexually assaulted and abused as adults.

There is hope. There is healing. While it is difficult to hear how abuse can impact the lives of children during their youth, and even more difficult to know how it can continue to negatively affect their lives well into adulthood - there is hope! Although they may never forget the pain they went through, they can learn coping mechanisms and new ways of managing their emotions that will aide them through adulthood. Interventions in childhood and adolescence can counter those traumatic experiences and reduce the negative effects of witnessing abuse. These interventions, such as individual and group therapy, can help children process their emotions and learn positive skills to manage their feelings, deal with stressors, and resolve conflict.  Trusted friends, like a CASA volunteer, provide a safe place and opportunities for them to be themselves, build confidence, and assist in their social development. Also necessary, is a solid circle of adults they can trust to help them rebuild confidence in themselves. These adults should understandably provide a safe place for them to express their feelings and support them while they navigate the normal woes of adolescence. These positive experiences and safe places provide joy-filled moments and plant seeds of hope that create lasting memories and opportunities. 

CASA Court Appointed Special Advocate) provides safe, stable adults to advocate for the best interest of children in foster care. When children have been removed because of IPV, CASA’s first concern is their physical safety. Once assured they are in a safe foster or relative home, a CASA then shifts to their mental health, addressing the traumas they endured before they came into care. The CASA can also provide support for the parents and identify resources for them to continue their journey toward safety and healing as well. While witnessing violence at an early age is traumatic, a CASA will recommend children receive trauma-informed counseling to process and cope with those memories.

Hopefully, in their future, their memories of hope and healing will outweigh their traumas and lead them on a path that breaks the cycle of family violence.

Nichole Masters-Henry is a board member of CASA of Tarrant County and is the Chief Services Officer at SafeHaven. In this role, she oversees the entire agency’s victim services – from shelter to counseling and long-term housing, to hotline and assessment.

If you’d like to be an advocate for abused and neglected children, sign up for an Information Session at

Meet CASA Volunteers Veronica Garza and Jannet Alarcon


In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, we are spotlighting two special advocates this month who were instrumental in leading a volunteer information session in August to recruit more Hispanic and bilingual advocates!


What made you decide to become a CASA?
I had heard about and seen so many heartbreaking stories about children in the foster care system, and many times I felt frustrated at not knowing how I could help or make a change. I wanted to make a real difference in a child’s life, so when I learned about CASA and the type of work they do, I knew I had to be involved. 

What is your professional/ volunteer background?
I am an attorney and my practice is focused on immigration law. It is through my practice and working with children that I saw how many immigrant children end up in the foster care system. I hope that my experience and knowledge in immigration law will be beneficial to the cases I am assigned to.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about becoming a CASA?
Attend an information session, ask questions, and learn as much as you can about the type of commitment you will be making. Then get involved, whether as a CASA, a donor, or a volunteer, there is always something you can do to help the cause. 

What has been the most challenging part of being a CASA?
As a CASA you are the point of contact for all parties involved with the case. It can be overwhelming at times to get different information from every person involved or feel like you are being pulled in all directions. However, in the end you have to remember that your goal is to be the voice for your child or children, and their well-being is the most important part of your work. Keeping that in mind will help you focus and keep doing what needs to be done.

What has been the most rewarding part of being a CASA?
Knowing that you are doing life changing work, even when it may not seem like it at the moment.

Please share a special moment with us about your advocacy work with your CASA kid or on your case. One of my kids told me that I was like a mother to her, and that she was grateful for everything I was doing for her. That filled my heart with more joy than I ever expected to feel through this type of work. You may not get that type of statement every time with every single case, but it sure felt good!

Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself or the CASA experience?
I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to do this type of work. Some of my friends have asked me why I don’t just do ad litem work through my practice, and my response is, that does not give me the in depth access into the case that I have as a volunteer who has no interest in the case but the well-being of the child. As a CASA, I have contact with the child, the attorneys, the families, and anyone that has an impact on the child’s case and life. I feel being a CASA is the best way to make a difference.

How have you been able to connect with your CASA kids during this time of quarantine? How are you advocating for them during this time? How has it impacted the children on your case?
I thankfully have been able to communicate with my kid through phone calls, zoom, facetime, text messages. Nothing much has really changed, other than not having that face to face time as often as I’d like. Attending a hearing through zoom was also interesting, but everyone is getting used to it. Things are getting done, and that’s what counts.


What made you decide to become a CASA?
I was so inspired by the presentation by Child Advocacy Supervisor, Jaime Hernandez at a fellow CASA volunteer’s home, Veronica Garza. Then, I decided the same day to get register because I thought that I could do something to help these kids even it was little. The other reason I became a casa is because when I was a kid, 12 years old, my parents left my sister and I under the care of my grandma, they never went back to retrieve us. My gradma did everything for us and I am so grateful she was there for us, if not, for sure we would end in a foster home. Kids did not deserve to be abandoned or neglect by their parents. 

What is your professional/ volunteer background?
I was volunteering in Catholic Charities and Immigrant Project during 2016. I helped them with Immigration Services for our community. I was also a volunteer in Crowley ISD Food Banks along with son, at Texas Wesleyan, my alma matter, during some events. I did some volunteer hours at TAPS (Texas Advance Paralegal Seminar 2018-State Bar of Texas) at the event registration and TAMU as a notary public. 

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about becoming a CASA?
I can say that we are in this world to serve others and not just to be served. So, if you can do something for someone else who is in need or not, just do it!

What has been the most challenging part of being a CASA?
Gaining people's trust. Moreover, the children's trust. These kids were going through a lot, so there is not easy for them to believe that someone cares about them. However, actions are better than words, so this is what they need to see. 

What has been the most rewarding part of being a CASA?
Happy faces, smiles, and getting a "Thank you" for these children. Seeing these kids improving themselves in many ways such as becoming bilingual and getting good grades at the school. 

Please share a special moment with us about your advocacy work with your CASA kid or on your case.
When one of my kids was getting through a situation that involved hurting herself, I was able to talk to her and shared my experiences as a kid. We cried together and I gave her a hug and told her that I was there for her at any time and for anything. I encouraged her to fight and never give up even the obstacles in her life. I reassured that she would be a great woman and professional in a couple of years, but she must make some efforts to achieve that. I saw hope in her eyes that day and felt so lucky of having the opportunity to influence this kid in a positive way. 

Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself or the CASA experience?
Donating my time has been the best investment of my life. This is a challenge that most of us would take in pro of the future of these children. In that way, we were able to show the next generation that kindness and caring for others can make our world better than today. 

How have you been able to connect with your CASA kids during this time of quarantine? How are you advocating for them during this time? How has it impacted the children on your case?
Quarantine has changed everybody's lives. Communication with my CASA kids has been reduced at once a month through FaceTime. However, I am sending cards to them so they can know I am thinking and caring about them. I am also in communication with the parties of the case advocating for these kids to have visits with their mom and monitoring their health passport & counseling reports. 

During my virtual visits with my children, they let me know that they would wish to return to the school in person. I'm sure they need to interact with some friends and come back to their normal life. Also, they disclosed to me their desire to come back home with their mom. I am praying for them to get the best decision over their case. 

CAS Lui Sanchez says, “Veronica and Jannet have not only been a pleasure to work with during my time at CASA, but a HUGE asset to the Latinx community here in Tarrant County. Their diligence to the Hispanic children on their cases have made sure that they have not slipped through the cracks during the Covid-19 Pandemic. They have also stepped up by hosting a special Hispanic/Latinx community information session earlier this summer, in order to help CASA recruit more bilingual volunteers for the Hispanic children currently in foster care. I consider myself very privileged to have two wonderful, hardworking Latina volunteers on my team. They are truly an inspiration to me and I appreciate their own personal and professional experience they bring to the table.”