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We have all been challenged to adapt and get a little more creative in 2020. This is especially true for CASA volunteer Carol Birdwell, who has created fun virtual visits with the children she serves.

The children on her case get books and special treats delivered to their door from the “book fairy”. As a former teacher, Carol helped to encourage the girls to read over the summer by grabbing their interest in a book series. The book fairy leaves the books on the front-door step, with treats, and other evidence of the visit behind (like fairy dust). The Book Fairy said it's gotten trickier to leave the items on the step before the girls get clued in by the family dog, often forcing the book fairy to run away from the girls encouraging them to social distance (and to get a good laugh).

On her second case, Carol advocates for a teenage boy. She leaves pizzas and home baked cookies as enticement for a copy of a report card or progress report. Despite social distancing, Carol has built a connection and trusting relationship with this boy, when he would not (and does not) trust anyone.

Thank you for your creativity in your advocacy, Carol!