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Why are you involved in CASA? I am involved in CASA because for several years, I represented children and parents in active litigation with CPS and I saw how helpful CASA could be to those cases.

What first caused you to get involved with CASA? I decided that I no longer wanted to work the child welfare cases, but wanted to continue to be involved with children in the foster care system, so CASA seemed like the logical place to get involved.

What keeps you coming back every month in helping CASA? I am motivated to help kids find stability and get them out of the foster care system into a permanent placement as quickly as possible. 

What would you say to a potential supporter? Supporting CASA is supporting kids who have been dealt a bad hand in life. These kiddos didn’t ask to be born into these situations and the support that CASA receives is a step in the right direction for the child. 

What do you think it’s important for your local community to support CASA and what they do? I think that supporting CASA and its mission helps to avoid the long-term concerns that are associated with children who spend a great deal of time in the foster care system. CASA and its mission help to reduce the risk of cyclical poverty and will, hopefully, help show a downturn in the number of children in care in the long run.