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Today (July 1st) is National Self Care Day! Thank you to Jennifer Sterling and Stephanie Books from Books and Sterling, LLC for contributing this blog post today!

What is Self-Care? A buzzword you’ve probably heard over the past couple years – but do we really understand it? We typically think of it meaning being indulgent (“TREAT YO SELF!”) or inactive (naps!) but really, it’s so much more. While self-care can certainly include those things, it’s really about taking care of all aspects of you and your health: physical, mental, emotional, financial… all of it. Talk about daunting!

So where do you start?

  • Start small. Try to implement simple routine practices that are good for you. Create goals by breaking it down into pieces. Learn about creating SMART Goals here: (This could be making sure you have clean work clothes for the week to avoid creating undue stress later in the week.)

  • Are there things you should let go of or say “no” to?

  • What are some fun/ relaxing things you can do?

  • Here’s a good introduction to meditation to get started:

  • Work on bolstering your resilience! (Shout out to our CASA Volunteers who made this journey with us!)

  • If you’d like guidance making these plans, exploring your resilience, and learning strategies, consider finding a counselor:

  • Be gentle with yourself. Give yourself permission to not be perfect, mess up, and give grace.

"No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough. It's going to bed at night thinking, yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that doesn't change the truth that I am also very brave and worthy of love and belonging."—Brene Brown