Texas Bar Foundation Grant

Tarrant County children and families involved with the child welfare system will benefit from Texas Bar Foundation grant to CASA of Tarrant County

FORT WORTH, Texas – CASA of Tarrant County was recently awarded a $10,000 grant from Texas Bar Foundation to support CASA of Tarrant County’s Collaborative Family Engagement Pilot to improve permanency for foster youth & create replicable frameworks for other CASA programs. More CASA volunteers are needed to serve the abused and neglected children on CASA’s waiting list – volunteers who will speak up for the child’s best interests and make sure the child doesn’t have to face foster care alone.

In 2022, 5,506 Tarrant County children were victims of child abuse/neglect. When the abuse or neglect is severe, judges may determine it is not safe for the child to remain in their home. This was the case for 555 Tarrant County children who were removed from their homes and placed in foster care in 2022.

Foster care is always supposed to be a short-term intervention, providing a temporary, safe place for children while the concerns related to child abuse or neglect are treated. Once the safety risks are resolved, the child is supposed to return home. If the safety risks are not resolved, children are then supposed to go live with other relatives or family friends, or they are available for non-relative adoption. Whether it’s being reunified with their parents, placed with relatives or family friends, or adopted, the goal is to always find a safe, permanent home for the child where they can live out their childhood within a family environment.

However, some children are never reunified with their parents, placed with relatives or family friends, or adopted, and those children turn 18 while in foster care and “age out” of the system. Aging out puts children at-risk of multiple health, educational, vocational, and legal challenges as they navigate adulthood without a permanent family.

Since 2017, CASA of Tarrant County has used an approach to make sure more children find a permanent family and prevent children from aging out of care. This approach is called Collaborative Family Engagement, where CASA advocates collaborate with Child Protective Services (CPS) and foster care partners like Our Community – Our Kids, to identify, locate, and engage relatives and family friends to become sources of connection and support for children in foster care. These supportive adults or “connections” can support the parents regain custody of their children, and if the child is unable to return home, the child may be able to be placed with the supportive adults who then provide the child with a safe, permanent family. CASA of Tarrant County’s use of CFE has resulted in children with CASA volunteers experiencing less time in foster care, greater likelihood of being reunified with their parents and placed with relatives, and overall a greater likelihood of finding a permanent home. CASA’s use of CFE has also led to creative projects with foster care partners, including

  • Intensive Family Finding Project, a temporary project created in response to a shortage of foster home placements in summer 2021. The Intensive Family Finding Project placed eligible children with relatives and completed home studies within 90 days in order to open up more foster care beds.

    Within four months, 33% of IFFP children were placed with relatives and another 39% were waiting to be placed after a completed home study.
    At the end of the pilot, 100% of children who left foster care left by being reunified with parents or placed with relatives.
    Overall, CASA had 87% retention of all family placements made during the IFFP project

  • Investigation Family Finding Program, where OCOK Family Finders were approved to accompany CPS investigators and talk with parents about relative placements during removal.
    This program began in 2022, and as early as Q1, 40% Tarrant County of children were being placed in kinship care within 60 days of removal.

Based on the success of Collaborative Family Engagement, CASA of Tarrant County is the first CASA program in Texas to expand CFE into its standard advocacy services with its CFE Pilot, where a small team of Child Advocacy Specialists will provide the full CFE model to their cases under the guidance of our CFE Coordinator. This creative solution allows CASA programs to provide more CFE services without increasing expenses – a valuable approach for any CASA program to use in 2023 as agencies brace for ongoing cuts to federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funding.

As part of our CFE Pilot, CASA of Tarrant County has created measurement frameworks to measure the impact CASA advocates have on the lives of children served. These measurement frameworks also help other CASA programs throughout Texas replicate CASA’s CFE Pilot, all to help generate better permanency outcomes for Texas children and to help the ongoing challenges of children without placements through increased relative placements. Much of the specialized CFE work and measurement framework data collection will be done by a new position, made possible with funding from the Texas Bar Foundation. CASA of Tarrant County’s new Intake Specialist/CFE Coordinator staff member is an integral part of our early assessment of the permanency needs of each child entering the foster care system, and this position is made possible due to funding awarded by the Texas Bar Foundation.

Since its inception in 1965, the Texas Bar Foundation has awarded more than $25 million in grants to law-related programs. Supported by members of the State Bar of Texas, the Texas Bar Foundation is the nation's largest charitably-funded bar foundation.

Overall, by increasing permanency outcomes and decreasing time spent in foster care, CASA strengthens the administration of justice for victims of child maltreatment and reduces the burden on family courts and administrative services like CPS and Community Based Care, and support from the Texas Bar Foundation in 2023 is a vital piece of delivering better child welfare services not just for Tarrant County but for all of Texas. Thank you Texas Bar Foundation for your support!

CASA currently needs more volunteers to advocate for our community’s most vulnerable children and provide CFE services as part of their advocacy. For more information on how to become a CASA volunteer and how to help children at risk of aging out of foster care, please contact Community Engagement Specialists Angel Theodore or Kate Snow at angel.theodore@casatc.org, kate.snow@casatc.org, at 817.877.5891, or sign up for an information session at www.speakupforachild.org. Upcoming information sessions will be held at the CASA office Thursday, May 25th from 6pm to 7pm, Thursday, June 1st, from 12pm to 1pm, Friday, June 2nd, from 12pm to 1pm, or Tuesday, June 6th from 12pm to 1pm.

Program Director Denee Borchardt Honored with Liberty Bell Award 2023 by Tarrant County Bar Association

(FORT WORTH, Texas - May 3, 2023) - CASA of Tarrant County is excited to announce Denee Borchardt, Program Director for CASA of Tarrant County, has been named as the recipient of the prestigious Liberty Bell Award 2023 by the Tarrant County Bar Association.  She was recognized at the Tarrant County Law Day 2023 “Cornerstones of Democracy”  luncheon on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at the Hilton Fort Worth. Past recipients of this award include Opal Lee,  “Grandmother of Juneteenth,” American retired teacher and activist, in 2022, and Pamela Young, Lead Criminal Justice Organizer for United Fort Worth, in 2021. 

The Liberty Bell Award is presented to an individual who is a non-lawyer significantly engaged in community service that promotes a better understanding of government, especially the Bill of Rights. The awardee must encourage greater respect for the law and the courts, while stimulating a deeper sense of individual responsibility so that citizens recognize their duties and their rights. This individual also contributes to the effective functioning of our institutions of government and instills a better understanding and appreciation of the law.

Borchardt joined CASA of Tarrant County in 2016 after spending 13 years with Child Protective Services, investigating and supervising child abuse and neglect cases. As its Program Director, Borchardt works closely with many different local stakeholders including Our Community Our Kids, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, and the judicial system. Ultimately, she works tirelessly to ensure families and children receive the most appropriate support during the most difficult time in their lives.  

“I can honestly say that she is one of the hardest-working and most supportive members of the child welfare system in North Texas,” said Dwayne Smith, CASA of Tarrant County, Board Member.  “As the program director for CASA, we’ve grown over 100% in terms of revenue in less than five years, seen to it that our advocates were able to provide their services to children in the foster care system through the COVID pandemic, and continues to work steadily towards achieving our goal of providing a CASA to every child in need in Tarrant County,” Smith continued. 

To learn more about CASA of Tarrant County, the services provided by CASA, or volunteering for CASA (volunteer child welfare advocate),visit SpeakUpForAChild.org.

Cristi Lantano Speaks at Fielder Church: Domingo de Cuidado Temporal

Our Child Advocacy Specialist Cristi was honored to be able to speak at the Fielder Church Spanish service for their event: Domingo de Cuidado Temporal. In the service, Cristi said, "The need that we have is huge. We have a tremendous number of children in foster care who do not have an advocate, and we have children who are placed in different parts of the state and even in different states. The work that CASAs do is being there for the child they are assigned to, making sure that they are safe. We have multiple children who go from foster home to foster home to different RTCs, the role of the CASA volunteer is to be the person that follows them wherever they go to provide consistency." Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/live/HUNkZUb1z6s?feature=share&t=1681