Restoring Hope: The Powerful Role of CASA in Rebuilding a Broken Family

In 2018, we shared the story of Cole, Catie, and Chloe - three young children suffering physical and emotional abuse at the hands of their mother’s boyfriend while she was at work. 

Overwhelmed and isolated, their mother, Crystal, needed help. CASA volunteers Jennifer and John stepped in, recognizing her potential to turn her life, and her children’s, around with the right support. “I didn’t really have anyone,” Crystal recalls. “I was working multiple jobs and trusting my children’s biological father to care for them.”

With CASA’s help, Crystal completed all required services with CPS, secured a full-time job, and moved into her own apartment. Because of her dedication and CASA volunteers’ advocacy, Crystal reunited with her children. 

Now, six years later, Crystal is happily married, and her children have a loving stepfather. Cole, Catie, and Chloe are happy and thriving. Reflecting on her journey, Crystal shares, “I have learned that I would do anything to keep my children from being hurt physically or emotionally ever again. Time is precious, and I wish I could bottle up these years.”

How You Can Help More Broken Families

We hope you can join us again this year for North Texas Giving Day - a day of giving back to our communities. This year, we’re incredibly grateful for Happy State Bank for matching gifts up to $10,000 - making your impact go even further!

Hear it from Crystal: “My CASAs were exceptional... everyone should have shirts made that say, ‘BE LIKE John & Jennifer.’” We invite you to BE LIKE John & Jennifer! Help CASA to continue advocating for the numerous children still awaiting for a CASA volunteer, and provide families like Crystal’s with the support they need to overcome challenges and rebuild their lives. Because without the powerful voice of an advocate, they are vulnerable to being lost in an overburdened system.

Every dollar towards our $10,000 match changes lives in our community. Mark your calendar for Thursday, September 19, from 6 a.m. to midnight. Early giving opens on September 1, so you can schedule your gift in advance. Your donation to CASA of Tarrant County on North Texas Giving Day gives children the care and advocacy they need to survive and thrive. Visit to give today!