• CASA of Tarrant County (map)
  • 101 Summit Avenue, Suite 505
  • Fort Worth, TX, 76102
  • United States

*Lunch Bunch is for CASA advocates and staff only.

April Lunch Bunch
Friday, April 6, 12-1pm at the CASA Office

Featuring guest speaker Lorie Palacios from the Cook Children's CARE (Child Advocacy Resource and Evaluation) Team & the Foster Care Clinic (an extension of the CARE Team)

The CARE team provides medical evaluations for: Sexual abuse, Physical abuse, Other forms of child maltreatment, Neglect, Drug exposure, and Medical child abuse. The CARE team is actively involved in community education and training in the awareness and prevention of child maltreatment.

The Foster Care Clinic provides: Health Steps exams, sick visits when children are sick and cannot be seen in a timely manner by their Primary Care Physician, if children run out of any type of medications and cannot get refills in a timely manner, help foster parents with specialized medical care, and any medical needs  that foster parents may need help with.

Please note: This Lunch Bunch will be recorded, and the video will be posted after the training on the Advocate portal

Registration is FULL! If you want to be placed on the waiting list (pending cancellations), please email Caitlyn Ussery at Caitlyn.ussery@casatc.org.