Why did you decide to come work for CASA? I like to think it was fate that brought me to CASA. With nearly 30 years of experience in community engagement and nonprofit work, I had no doubt that working with the community and volunteers was the field I belonged in. After experiencing a string of personal losses within a few short months, including the passing of my husband, I found myself craving a new energy, a new mission focus, and subsequently-a path to healing. CASA felt like the perfect place to bring my experience and passion for community engagement, while also finding the renewal and purpose I was seeking. I knew after my first meeting with the staff, I had found my people, my home.

 What is your professional and educational background? I studied Nonprofit Management, Business Finance and Project Management at TCU and later obtained my CVA-Certified Volunteer Administrator credential. But it was my field training with the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Policy, closely followed by Asset Based Community Development training with the faculty from DePaul University, that really shined a light on the magic of relationship building, identifying people’s gifts and community resources, and understanding how to bring them all together to make our communities strong.

Prior to joining the CASA team, I was blessed to serve as the state director of a national nonprofit for many years, working to build the capacity of numerous faith groups and nonprofits statewide. I also served as the Coordinator of Volunteer Recruitment and Engagement with Meals on Wheels of Tarrant County.

What has been the most rewarding part of being on staff at CASA? The most rewarding part of being on the CASA team is, of course, knowing the positive impact the organization has on the lives of children. I’m also in awe daily of the “can do” spirit of the staff. No matter what obstacle or challenge is placed in front of them, the resolve to rise to the occasion time and time again is genuine and powerful. We are on this mission together, for the children!

Please share a special moment with us about your work with CASA volunteers or supporters. I’ve had many special moments with volunteers but one volunteer that inspires me so much is our most senior CASA-Mr. Heard Floor. Heard is in his 80’s and is adamant that regardless of age, a person can give back and make a positive impact on the lives of others, one way or another. And he has done just that by being a tireless advocate for children. He is such a great role model for others-young and older alike!

What would you say to a potential supporter? I would say to someone considering financial support of the organization, the return on your investment in CASA goes far beyond today, this month, or even this year. The value of changing a child’s life is immeasurable-it is an impact that can ripple through future generations, helping break cycles of neglect and abuse, and create a brighter future not only for that child but for the broader community as well. We need your support to help every child have a voice and a chance to thrive and eventually contribute to society in a meaningful, positive way. That’s a significant return on your investment.

Why do you think it’s important for your local community to support CASA and what they do? The outcome for these children will influence all of us, positive or negative. Together, with support from the community, we can make it positive! The quote “it takes a village to raise a child” could not be truer. It takes a whole community to support a child with positive interactions and encouragement to ensure he or she has room to grow strong in a healthy and safe manner. These children are the future for our community. Everyone can play a vital role. Volunteer to be a voice for a child, make a financial contribution, or simply help us share our message with others.

Do you want to share some encouraging words to our volunteers?  Thank you for the selfless gift of time and kindness and perseverance. You are giving these children a fighting chance at a positive path forward. I think what you are doing is one of the most courageous and impactful acts of volunteerism and we are beyond grateful to you for your service.