Why CASA? I am involved with CASA because its mission is critical to the well-being of children whose lives have been thoroughly upended through no fault of their own. CASA volunteers work to minimize this trauma as much as possible so that the child's life can be stabilized, to ensure that child is safe and healthy, and so that normal development can continue. If it wasn't a CASA doing this work, who would do it?

What first caused you to get involved with CASA? My dear friend and fellow board member Debbie Cooley made me aware of the mission and introduced me to our CEO, Don Binnicker. Once I heard the story, I was compelled to help. With two young kids of my own, I lack the time to be a CASA today but I certainly aspire to that one day.

What keeps you coming bank every month in helping CASA? I keep coming back because I know how these experiences are massively transformational in a child's life and CASA is the only organization to fill this need. I cannot think of a more important mission in my community. The work CASA does not only helps individual kids with an acute need for advocacy, it reshapes the intergenerational habits and values of families. Additionally, my wife was in foster care for years and she tells stories that are so detailed and vivid - few of them are happy memories. 

What would you say to a potential supporter? I would encourage them to hear the stories. I would invite them to coffee with an active or former CASA so that they could hear first-hand the circumstances surrounding an example removal. Any person with a beating heart would be compelled to help with his or her time or wallet (or hopefully both!)

Why do you think it’s important for your local community to support CASA and what they do? It's important because of our hearts and our wallets. We are doing two key things: First, we are solving for the immediate need to ensure that the kids are safe and healthy and developing as they endure a life-altering circumstance. (Your heart.)  Second, we are making a future economic contribution to our community, as these kids have a better chance to grow and develop into healthy, educated, functional members of our workforce. (Your wallet.)

Do you want to share some encouraging words to our volunteers? I am humbled by the dedication of our volunteers, who selflessly give the most precious of resources: their time. Moreover, they heft a heavy emotional burden by making the problems of those for whom they advocate their own. They are the unsung heroes in the midst of our community.